
Review of the play “The Morality of Mrs. Dulska” by Gabriela Zapolska performed by students of grade DP2 of International High School in Wrocław.

Yesterday afternoon at the Centrum Kultury “Zachód” (a cultural center) in Wrocław brought an extraordinary theatrical feast, prepared by the talented students of the International High School in Wrocław. The play “The Morality of Mrs. Dulska” was staged for the second time. The premiere was enjoyed in June last year.

Gabriela Zapolska’s most famous work, in the youthful adaptation, is not only a classic performance but also a unique production in which every aspect was created independently by the students – from the script, through direction, casting, choreography, costumes, set design, lighting, to music.

It is worth emphasizing the tremendous effort and dedication that went into preparing this performance. The young actors surprised not only with their acting skills but also with their versatility, creating a captivating atmosphere throughout the play. Zapolska’s drama adaptation was skillfully dressed in contemporary allusions to Wrocław and today’s realities, including pop culture references, which further enriched the adaptation’s content and gave it freshness.

The solo performances were undoubtedly one of the highlights of the play. The actors passed the test not only in terms of acting but also in stage movement, singing, and dancing. Dynamic choreography, well-crafted solos, and meticulous sound design gave the performance a unique, somewhat musical character.

Admiration is also due to the fact that the students took responsibility for every detail of the performance. The costumes were not only aesthetic but also sensual, perfectly reflecting the characters and social roles of each individual. The set design and lighting created an atmosphere in line with the spirit of the work, transporting the audience into the stuffy, bourgeois world of “The Morality of Mrs. Dulska,” while also giving the impression of visiting an art gallery, full of light and still lifes.

Huge applause and recognition are due to all involved in the creation of this play. Your work exceeded the boundaries of a typical school performance, immersing us in a world of theater full of atmosphere, talent, and passion. Thank you for an unforgettable experience, and we eagerly await your next productions!

Congratulations to the grade DP2 Advisor, Mrs. Karolina Kropielnicka, for nurturing such talented students and thank you for overseeing the success of this theatrical endeavor!

We also thank the numerous guests who attended; representatives of the Board of the Foundation of International Education, teachers and students from F.I.E. schools, and other schools from Wrocław and Wałbrzych.


Mrs. Dulska – Jagoda Mulek

Zbyszko – Marcel Hass

Juliasiewiczowa – Aleksandra Bielawska

Hanka – Sara Lech

Hesia – Melissa Ogonowska

Mela – Małgorzata Byrka

Mr. Dulski – Marcin Łysikowski

Tenant – Aleksandra Gałka

Tadrachowa – Natalia Kalecka (guest star)

Technical staff

Mia Gołębiowska

Jan Orzechowski

Michał Maśliński

Karol Lang