We have an exciting Brain Awareness Week 2019 behind us. We gained a portion of inspiration and how to relax our brains thanks to the mindfulness workshops conducted by Ph. D. Lidia Żurawowicz from Mindfulness & Zen Coaching Wrocław. Mrs. Magdalena Duszyńska from the “Kuźnia P” training company took care of learning us time management.
The continuation of this subject was the time management workshop for students of ATUT Bilingual Primary School, carried out by our Librarians and Learning Strategy Teachers. The subject Learning Strategy has been an obligatory element of education in ATUT for years.
The students brought flowers from the houses, and the school’s library changed into a Relaxation Zone, conducive to the regeneration of the body and the spirit.
As a summary of Brain Awareness Week 2019, we listened to two lectures by an expert of neurodidactics, Ph. D. Marek Kaczmarzyk. At the first lecture, we learned, among other things, whether stress can be mobilizing, how it affects our memory, immunity and efficiency. Why it happens that under the influence of strong stress we have trouble remembering. The second lecture concerned, among other things, differences in the functioning of the student’s and adult’s brains. Why is it sometimes difficult to communicate with a teenager and what has to do with the late maturation of the frontal lobes.