

On Monday, the 13th of December 2021 is the 40th anniversary of the introduction of martial law in Poland. Polish teachers, together with history and German language teachers, wanting to familiarize young people with these dramatic historical events and their context, conduct educational activities as part of the interdisciplinary unit in MYP 5.

The project entitled “Martial law in Poland from different perspectives 1981-1983” is illustrated by an interactive exhibition that allows students to get to know and feel the atmosphere of the early 1980s in the Polish People’s Republic and better understand their historical and cultural context.

The literary texts studied in Polish language classes are Zbigniew Herbert’s “Report from the Besieged City”, “Report on Martial Law ” by Marek Nowakowski and Olga Tokarczuk’s “Professor Andrews in Warsaw”.

The project task for MYP students is to prepare a work commemorating the 40th anniversary of the declaration of martial law in Poland.

The audience of the project are students participating in a Polish-German exchange programme. An additional challenge for the Polish authors of the project is to adapt their presentations linguistically and culturally to make them understandable to German audiences, the majority of whom probably have never even heard of martial law in Poland.

The entire school community can visit the exhibition located in the hall on the first floor. QR codes on posters allow you to reach additional content illustrating this presentation.