Grades I and II (IB MYP 4 and IB MYP 5) presented the effects of their IB MYP Projects.
The presentations were held remotely on the Google Meet platform. Teachers-project supervisors were invited to watch the presentation, younger students will have the opportunity to watch the recordings.
The themes of IB MYP Personal Projects reflected students’ passions. They learned, among other things: how to record an audiobook, sew a dress or record their own music…
And with IB MYP Community Projects students focused more on social needs and how to meet them working collaboratively.
Presentations included an evaluation. By asking themselves ‘what I could have done better and what I have done well enough’ , students can draw conclusions for themselves that will certainly be useful at the further educational stages.
Knowing their strengths and weaknesses, it will be easier for them to take on new challenges and adjust them to their abilities.
Awareness of the IB Learner Profile features which is developed during the project, undoubtedly strengthening one’s own values and increasing self-awareness.
Knowledge about oneself and our possibilities cannot be overestimated nowadays, the time full of challenges!