IB diploma 2021 results at International High School of Wroclaw
IB Diploma 2021 statistics at International High School of Wroclaw


We are pleased to present a handful of statistics on the results of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma 2021 in our school.

All students took the exam – 26 people and all passed it. The average total score obtained by them is 35 points. The highest number of points – and the maximum possible – was scored by Alicja, scoring 45 points. Apart from Alicja, two other students obtained a total of over 40 points.

In comparison with the global results, our graduates did particularly well on the subjects shown in the first graphic.

In the second graphic, we present in a concise form some facts about the International Baccalaureate Diploma 2021 in our high school.

Huge congratulations to high school graduates! Enjoy your well-deserved vacation!