We understand that art is one of the most expressive means of personal and cultural expression, and that it is the area of human activity that allows us to know and understand both individuals and the community. Our students participate in mandatory music and art classes and have the opportunity to improve their knowledge of culture.
Our students will become both the creators and the competent recipients of art. Students of FIE schools participate actively in culture as viewers of important artistic events in our city. Every month they are supposed to have an opportunity to go to the theatre, opera, multicultural film festival or a ballet performance. At the school there is a theatre group, cyclically organised international Spring Concert, an annual review of documentaries, and during physical education classes the students learn to dance. We exhibit student art works on a regular basis in the classrooms and in school corridors, during special exhibitions and in the school newsletter.
In the International Baccalaureate programme each student is engaged in tasks that require creativity as part of CAS, a mandatory core component of the programme in which students learn through experience. Supervised by the CAS coordinator, students plan their activities independently. They can also use the help of teachers of artistic subjects who teach at our schools.