
DP Subject Choices

As a DP student you must select one subject from the following columns and take three subjects at higher level.

Language A

Language B Individuals & Societies Sciences Mathematics


  • English A: language and literature
  • Polish A: literature
  • Language A: literature (school-supported self-taught)
  • English B (HL only)
  • French B
  • German B
  • Spanish B
  • Business Management
  • Environmental systems and societies (SL only)
  • History
  • Geography
  • Biology
  • Environmental systems and societies (SL only)
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation
  • Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches
  • French B
  • German B
  • Spanish B
  • English A
  • Environmental systems and societies (SL only)
  • History
  • Geography
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics

In addition to your six subjects you will also take Theory of knowledge and CAS, and you will be responsible for writing the Extended Essay, which is an independent research paper of 4000 words, written over a period of several months.

When choosing your subjects you should think first about what you want to do as a career, then research that career to find out what you need to study at university to be qualified in a particular field. If you want to be a doctor, for example, then you will need to study medicine. In order to be accepted into most medical programmes you will need to take chemistry and biology at higher level.. 

Most universities will specify what IB students should take in order to get into particular programmes.


Job offers at IHSW

Thank you for your interest in joining our high school team. Currently, due to the dynamic growth of our school and the increasing number of students, we are accepting applications from candidates interested in future employment as:

  • Geography Teacher in IB Diploma Programme

If you are interested, please review the requirements below and submit your application.


  • A higher degree in the relevant subject
  • Teaching experience
  • Very good command of the English language
  • Experience in teaching IB programs is a strong advantage

If you are interested in joining our staff in the future please send us your application to: employment@fem.org.pl. Selected candidates will be invited to an interview.


 General expectations for candidates for teaching positions at the International High School of Wroclaw.

A candidate for a teaching position will be expected to:

  • plan, prepare and teach subject-related content in line with the prescribed curriculum, philosophy and expectations of the IB Diploma Programme
  • carry out formative and summative assessments that give students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge
  • provide timely feedback on completed tasks
  • meet deadlines related to internal and external assessment
  • supervise student extended research
  • collaborate with staff on the development and implementation of the curriculum, policies and philosophy of the school
  • complete an IB-approved subject-related workshop
  • assist and organize school activities and trips
  • communicate regularly and effectively with all members of the school community
  • be a good role model

If you would like to join our team, please send electronic versions of your up-to-date curriculum vitae, with a letter of intent to highschool@fem.org.pl or mail these documents to:

Head of School
International High School of Wroclaw
Foundation of International Education
ul. Racławicka 101, PL 53-149 Wroclaw, Poland

Sport facilities

Our school offers a variety of sports through the Physical Education Programme and the extra-curricular activities. With the beginning of the academic year 2017/2018 we will introduce a new Athletic Program. We believe that this will become another strong pillar of our educational offer that will help shape the identity of the schools for future decades.

Sport at the school allows the students to develop both physically and intellectually, with an emphasis on developing their social skills and a personal engagement. Our students develop a lifelong appreciation of physical activities and health and wellness, on both a personal and social level.

Sport has always been one of the most important elements of our educational offer.

  • Since establishing the first school of Foundation of International Education (in 1990) we were offering a wide range of sport activities for our students. These have included annual Sport days, Green and White Schools trips and a wide offer of sports as extracurricular activities, which have helped to shape the schools tradition and character.
  • In 2007-2008  the first basketball teams were established. Since this time we have participated in and organized international school tournaments on a regular basis both in Poland and abroad.
  • In 2011 we organized the EUROpean Cultural Cup (as preparation for UEFA EURO 2012), in which 11 international soccer teams from 11 different countries took part.
  • In 2013 we organized Wolves Cancer Shootout Tournament a charity event for a children hospice, with participation of Polish basketball star – Maciej Zielinski.
  • In 2017 we celebrated the 10th anniversary of  the Wolves Basketball Teams.

Piknik rodzinny “Play for Emilia”


Przypominamy, że już 14 maja w naszej szkole odbędzie się piknik rodzinny Play for Emilia! Wesołej zabawie przyświeca szczytny cel – pomagamy małej Emilce, chorej na rdzeniowy zanik mięśni.

Gramy w siatkówkę, licytujemy fajne gadżety w czasie aukcji i gramy na loterii. W programie poza tym Turniej Wiedzy Wszelakiej i piknikowe pyszności. Zapraszamy do licytowania!

Wraz z małą Emilką i jej rodzicami dziękujemy sponsorom pikniku:

CUPRUM-Lubin-volleyball-log  Logo-Serye  Logo-Planeta-Kwadrat


Podsumowanie akcji “Play for Emilia”


„Powiedzieć DZIĘKUJĘ to jakby nic nie powiedzieć” – te słowa Taty Emilki oddają najlepiej to, co wszyscy mamy w sercach.

Wczoraj podsumowaliśmy wyniki zbiórki pieniędzy w ramach akcji „Play for Emilia”. Dzięki Waszemu ogromnemu zaangażowaniu, gestom sponsorów: KS Cuprum LubinSeryePlaneta Robotów i niezliczonych darczyńców zebraliśmy kwotę ponad 17 500 zł! Pieniądze te trafią na konto Emilki w Fundacja „Nasze Dzieci” i zasilą – zgodnie z wolą Rodziców naszej małej gwiazdy – fundusz na zakup leku, który może okazać się przełomowy w leczeniu. MACIE NAPRAWDĘ WIELKIE SERCA!

Pamiętajcie o Emilia Werczyńska – SMA vs JA!

Oglądajcie zdjęcia z pikniku i podsumowania na naszym Facebooku!


Other foreign languages

In the first grade of high school we offer two foreign language courses: German and Spanish. From time to time, we organise German-learning-related projects with partner schools, we offer language learning trips to Germany, and occasionally Spanish learning is supported by students from Spain staying with us from time to time as part of the Erasmus programme.

In IB Diploma Programme we teach the mother tongues of our students and additionally one foreign language.



Bilingual teaching at the schools of the Foundation of International Education prepares young people to learning in the international programmes and to use English with ease and at a high level. The successes of FIE school graduates, who are doing very well at schools and foreign universities (e.g. the University of Oxford), most distinctly prove the language competencies acquired at our schools.

In the first grade of the International High School of Wroclaw students are taught in two languages. Bilingualism is implemented in two ways:

  • Some classes are taught in Polish and in English, depending on the performed tasks or presented content. For example, history classes will be taught in Polish when they are devoted to the history of Poland, and in English when they are devoted to general history. History classes will be taught by two teachers: a Pole and a Briton.
  • Some classes are taught in English only, for example, music lessons or the practical philosophy class, which are held together with the students of our sister school – Wroclaw International School.

Participation in the life of the international community centred around the Foundation of International Education is an additional opportunity to come into contact with the English language. It makes young people realise that a great knowledge of the language makes them citizens of the world.

In the second and third form of International High School of Wroclaw, English is the only language of instruction (this rule does not apply to studying Group 1 courses, which include subjects from the field of language and literature – classes are taught in the respective languages; Studying Group 2 courses proceeds in a similar manner).

Perfect Grade and Sticker on Homework


The assessment in each subject group is based on the determination of the level of student performance against the established criteria, and not on the ranking of students in a given group. External assessment includes a number of tasks emphasising higher-order cognitive thinking skills, and which may take the form of essays and test sets. Internal assessment carried out by the teachers and moderated by the IB, is part of the final assessment of the student.


DP Subject Groups

Each IB Learner creates his or her curriculum profile to a large extent by themselves. Subject and level groups are formed taking into account the staffing and organizational capacity of the school.

The student’s task is to choose one subject from each of 5 groups, which ensures the breadth of knowledge and deep understanding of:

  • the student’s best language,
  • additional language(s),
  • the social sciences,
  • the experimental sciences
  • mathematics.

Each student can choose to study an additional subject from the groups 1-4.

Students must choose 3 subjects at Higher level and 3 subjects at Standard level. Language B subjects can be taken at AB initio level instead of Standard level.

Group 1 – Studies in language and literature

Students learn to appreciate the language and literature through the study of formal literary texts. At the IHSW we offer the following subjects in Group 1:

  • Polish A
  • English A
  • School supported self-taught language in mother tongue (only offered at standard level)

Group 2 – Language acquisition

Students gain the ability to communicate in a foreign language. In our high school we offer the following subject in Group 2:

  • English B (only offered at higher level)
  • French B
  • German B
  • Spanish B

Group 3 – Individuals and societies

Students develop a critical approach to the experience and human behaviour by studying the social sciences, such as economics, geography and history. In our school we offer the following subjects in Group 3:

  • Geography
  • History
  • Business Management
  • Environmental Systems and Societies* (only offered at standard level)
  • Psychology

Group 4 – Sciences

Students explore the concepts, theories and methods of physical and biological sciences, such as chemistry, physics and biology. We offer the following subjects in Group 4:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Environmental Systems and Societies (only offered at standard level)

Group 5 – Mathematics

Students increase their understanding of mathematics and its applications. At our school we offer the following subjects in this group:

  • Analysis and approaches course
  • Applications and interpretation course

Group 6 – Elective

In Group 6 students choose an additional subject from groups 1 to 4.