A few days ago IHSW students watched the documentary “The True Cost” on ethical and environmental issues related to fashion. The document concerned the environmental impact of mass production of clothes.
The main theme of the film are the tragic events of April 24, 2013 in Shabhara, Bangladesh, when an clothing factory building collapsed, burying over 1,100 victims, mainly tailors, underneath it. This catastrophe, caused by the violation of labor rights, building regulations and occupational health and safety rules, sparked numerous consumer protests in the countries where clothing produced in Bangladesh is delivered.
The initiative of the film show was by 1st grade students (MYP4) – Marta, Jakub and Alicja, who wanted to increase their peers’ awareness of the disadvantages of fast fashion phenomenon. Students implement their project as part of the 8th edition of the Lower Silesian Network of Schools Promoting Eco-development.